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Ask question in new page and not in a pop-up

Started by Nicola1008, May 27, 2017, 13:29:01 PM

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I'm here with a new question,  as you can read from the title.

Is there a way to display the "ask questions form"  not in a pop-up but in a new page (as if it were a Joomla article)  and preserve all the CSS and style of the template?

Could you please provide me a step by step solution? Because I am not able to understand all the VirtueMart files and rules.

Thank you so much if you help me!!


I have the same question. The popup is nice, basically, but will cause much grief: If, while filling in the form. the user accidentally (or intentionally) clicks somewhere outside the popup, the popup disappears and with it all of the text -> ANGER

So I think the form should either be on it's own page, or the popup needs to be secured. Either by saving the text (form prefilled when popup opened again), or have a warning before the popup closes.

Would a more knowledgeable person be kind enough to share his/her thoughts? Thanks!


You can disable modal closing on overlay click by adding hideOnOverlayClick parameter to Fancybox code in askrecomjs.php sublayout.


Thanks for the workaround. I still wish it was not modal by default with a way to switch it on for those who like to set up traps for their clients ;-)

Studio 42

YOu have to modify link and PHP form.
If you dont know PHP, it's not simple to modify And Virtuemart do not provide a switcher to disable modal for ask question.