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Virtuemart tabs have diappeared

Started by dmb, March 25, 2016, 00:59:29 AM

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Something very strange has happened to my site tonight. My site was in the directory /..../www/public_html/new while I was developing it, and I then moved it up a level to /..../www/public_html.

Now while some of the Virtuemart pages display the side menu correctly as an accordion and have tabs, on others such as the product categories and the product pages all the content appears in a single page without any tabs, and the side menu has all sections continually open !

I've trawled all the directories for files with hard-coded paths to the old "public_html/new". Before I moved the site I created a test version in another directory /..../test/new/public_html and it works fine so I'm not sure what the problem is ... moving it up a level (/.../test/public_html) causes the problem every time.

If I move the site back to the /new directory, and set that as Document Root the problem also appears. Something must have "/new" hard coded in but I can't see what ...

Any ideas ?



I assume you mean the site backend?  When I move dev sites from subdirectory to root I just drag and drop all files using FileZilla, change  the VM safe path (if necessary), and that is all. Never had a problem.

Check your links to css & js files in the affected page header code.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Check if all JS/CSS files are loaded properly.

GJC Web Design

also if using Chrome clear the cache...  this browser holds cached files like ( various examples can be used here)

have seen after updates the various admin JS not working till cache is dumped
GJC Web Design
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