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URL linking to custom view...?

Started by Cholent MT, March 10, 2014, 13:18:35 PM

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Cholent MT

Hello I wanna re create for VM2
I heard I could :
With VM2.x the url to display all products is - all the data is there, you just need to make an override for the normal category default.php so that only the data you need (eg Product Name & sales price) is displayed. Rename the original default.php and use that file as an override for normal category display.

But I still want the defualt category view to show on another page. How could I make a custom one and link to it?
I would need to change the PHP & CSS files for it...
and link to this new view

Just not sure how to go about doing this...? i.e. where are the files I need? Where do I need to put them? And how do I link to them?