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CLEAR steps Checkout VM2

Started by SightVision, October 26, 2012, 14:21:28 PM

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Hello everybody,

Is there anyone who can help me with the following problem with the checkout pages of VM2?

I'm building VM 2.0.12f on a Joomla 2.5.7 website. Right now I'm trying to create a very clear checkout system, but I'm not able to do so.

How its currently working:
- Click on the shopping cart, you will go to the cartview, with billing and shipping information and all.
- Next step is entering personal details
- Next step is shipping method
- Next step is payment method
- Next step is cartview AGAIN!
- When I click on the submit button, I see the cartview for the THIRTH time, but now it shows "step 4" on top.

This is for clients very confusing!!

What I want is :
- Step 1: cartview, without billinginfo / shippinginfo / terms of agreement
- Step 2: Personal details
- Step 3: Payment method
- Step 4: Cartview, original, with billinginfo /shippinginfo / terms of agreement

I have seen on certain shops that it can be realised, however I really don't now how!!

Does anyone know how to create this??




I make my own checkout steps with links to the add payment, billing etc.
If they use the links, and not the "Checkout Now" button, they do not have the "extra steps"


I'm completely with you  on this sightvision.

I dont know the idea behind the checkout process in VM2, but for me its the single most big mistake for me.
I have created 4-5 stores now with VM2 and each one of the store owners dislikes the checkout process.
For a non user whcih most customer are when the visit a store it is a very cinfusing checkout system.

Could this be overridden by a 3rd party checkout plugin?

Any developers looking at this already?

Ive seen the post "Pro" has made, but TBH its a bit out of my depth.
J3.6.4 / PHP7.0.12


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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