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lightbox not showing prev/next buttons

Started by xevi, March 06, 2012, 00:31:34 AM

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Hi all,

When looking at the images of a given product from the front-end, I have notived the lightbox is slightly different in new VM 2.x versions with respect to former 1.1.x

In particular, the "next" and "prev" buttons are missing. Also the product name is missing. This makes the final user usability a bit tedious. He/She must open and close the images one by one.

Is this a matter of configuration (which I didn't manage to find).

Or it is a different implementation of the lightbox in VM 2.x?

I would like to know if there is a way to introduce back the prev and next buttons.

thank you.


I want that to Please!! for the customers its really tedious to click en every images, i try to locate the code of the facebox, but i can't found it, please Help!!  :'(


Did you solve this problem? I cannot find the answer either.
I almost get the feeling it's supposed to be like this.
It's also not showing an 'X' in the top right corner. The lightbox does work OK other than this.
VirtueMart 2.0.6 Final Revision: 5917 [silver]
April 15, 2012 17:30 GMT
Joomla! 2.5.4 Stable [ Ember ] 2-April-2012 14:00 GMT
No javascript conflicts.
Using GavickPro Boutique Template.


has anyone solve this (the navigation) problem yet? please share if you have.
