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Need two instances of Virtuemart on my site...

Started by Dougw133, April 26, 2012, 05:17:54 AM

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Searched, didn't find anything exactly pertaining in VM2. Basically going to have E-commerce on our site, however would like to use a separate instance for a Catalogue of Products we don't sell online.

A-Is this possible?

B-How is this done?

Thanks very much in advance.


I'm looking for pretty much the same thing. I want to clone my Virtuemart installation and have two Virtuemarts running on the same site and database without them interfere with eachother.


possible , yes, but with some 3rd party developer, that will charge you either WAY too much money, or get you hacked.

YOU need to think of other ways to do this.

Good site architecture
Shopper groups.
Custom Product page with no add to cart ability.


Use a subdomain, and a wrapper to do the non-ordering products.


Quote from: on May 01, 2012, 22:46:46 PM
possible , yes, but with some 3rd party developer, that will charge you either WAY too much money, or get you hacked.

YOU need to think of other ways to do this.

Good site architecture
Shopper groups.
Custom Product page with no add to cart ability.


Use a subdomain, and a wrapper to do the non-ordering products.

Thanks a lot for the response. Much appreciated.