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"Check Out" button goes to home/store page in translation.

Started by syntalk, April 02, 2013, 16:36:57 PM

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I have a problem with "Check Out Now" in transaction. Have two languages - English (default) and Polish. In English Cart and "Check Out Now"  works fine. In Polish - when I'm not logged in and press "Check Out Now"  it redirects me to the home page (should say "register first"). If I'm logged in - it processes the transaction as normal. Also if I leave only Polish in Configuration - Languages Settings - Multilingual shop - it seems to work as well. It also works perfectly if SEO disabled...
Tested without the overrides and with Bezz_20 template with the same result.

Please help,
Thank you in advance,


Do you have an english language copy of your polish language login/registration module? You need one for each language. Also you should have a menu item (cart link) for both languages.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Hi and thanks,

I do have login module translation however joomla has also two languages and the login module appears in polish automatically.
I'm not sure what you mean by "menu item (cart link)" - I have a products and they are translated too BUT after reading you post I've noticed that one of my items in the cart is showing in english (where should in polish). I tried the others and they were fine - I may need to recreate this one.
Is cart link not the same as "Product Name" field or where can I translate a cart link?

Thanks again,


Quote from: syntalk on April 02, 2013, 17:55:02 PM
I do have login module translation however joomla has also two languages and the login module appears in polish automatically.

If your website is available in three languages, you need one copy of the login module in your site default language and also copies of the module for the other two languages. You should have one language selected in each of the module copies.

QuoteIs cart link not the same as "Product Name" field or where can I translate a cart link?

With cart link I mean a link in a menu (one for each language) your customers can click to see the shopping cart.
The image below shows two examples of seperate login modules and menus. One in english language and one in german language.

You will need such language specific links, because the Joomla language switcher relies on menu items. If there is for example a menu item (link) in Greek for the shopping cart and a customer wants to change the cart language to English, he would be redirected to the homepage if there is no english language menu item (link) for the shopping cart.

[attachment cleanup by admin]
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Thank you very much jjk for this explanation.
I do have login module translated. BTW it looks like when I installed joomla site/content language (polish) it also translates such things like login module..
Anyway, I use Joomfish to translate the site. I translated the login module and VM Shopping Cart module. I also have created additional link (VirtueMart » Shopping Cart) and translated the menu with the link. No matter what it will not work unless SEO is disabled.
I ran out of ideas. Thanks again for your help.


I have no idea how the latest Joomfish works with Joomla 2.5.x and VM 2.x. I don't use it because I don't see any advantage using an additional translation component on top of Joomla's and Virtuemart's own translation capabilities. My own shop is fully bilingual without Joomfish.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Maybe this is what I should do then - remove Joomfish and translate it from Joomla and VM.. Will get back to this tomorrow. Many thanks mate.