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Template question

Started by dragonself, November 05, 2012, 16:40:43 PM

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I am new to VM and need a bit of help here.

I try the VM on a default joomla with two template beez_20 and atomic
I add some text say "atomic" in the templates\atomic\html\com_virtuemart\category\default.php and add "beez_20" in the templates\beez_20\html\com_virtuemart\category\default.php

When I switch my site's default template through template manager, the two modification shown correctly.

But if I fix the default as beez_20 in Template manager. Then I want the VM to have atomic.
I tried Configuration > templates > choose "Category Template" and "Select the default template for your Shop" to both atomic.
It still showing beez_20 template. I have disable the cache of my joomla. Any idea if I miss anything?

Question 2:
Finally I want to have different template for different category
I go Product Categories > Product Category Form, set "Category Template" to atomic and "Category Browse Page" , "Default Product Details Page" to default
And again, the template for category is still beez_20. And idea.

My joomla is 2.7.7 and VM is 2.0.12f

Many Thank


I'm having a similar problem, when I choose a different theme in configuration of the shop, nothing happens...has anybody seen this?




Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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