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16000 records...

Started by jasonhr, July 18, 2012, 19:03:26 PM

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I have a client with an online bookshop, he has 16000 books online on an ugly, awkward site.

He wants me to redesign it for him and use joomla and virtuemart if possible.

Can anyone tell me if Virtuemart can take this many products?

Many thanks


I don't think that the number of books will be a problem. There are much larger Virtuemart sites around. Probably you can import all books quickly by using a Joomla extension like 'CSV advanced' in order to test it. There is one greek/english ebook shop using VM2 listed n the "Your live site" section in this forum. However, in order to make a bookshop site loading quickly, you need to keep an eye on image sizes. Also, an easy (for your client) to use structure of the image folders wouldn't hurt.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?



That might be no problem. I have a shop with nearly 235000 products in it. And it's running smoothly.



Thanks for your help guys, I have tried CSVI but it just times out all the time so I can't add all the books at once and I am not sure what to do now...

Can you suggest anything that might help me?


If it times out you might have to increase your php maximum execution time. In the CSVI settings you can set how many products to import per run,
so you can do 500 per 30secs for example - depends on your server setup. If that doesn't work either, it might be a good idea to visit the CVSI forum or FAQ and eventually ask for help there.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?