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No Images Displaying

Started by CreativeDesigns, July 04, 2012, 16:01:37 PM

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I have just started using Virtuemart 2.0.8a
I have set up my categories and have started adding products to the categories. <--- this url should be showing 9 images of handbags, but absolutely nothing is showing up, and for the life of me, I can't figure out why.

Any suggestions?


Just checked your link in IE all working fine did you solve your issue and if so how as i am having the problem.


Hi Rachel, yes, I solved the problem.
I kept forgetting to add a "product category".. In the past, virtuemart gave a list which you could select from. This time you actually have to start typing out the word so you can get a list of the categories.
Try it :)

Holler if you are still stuck


Hollering im still stuck :-)

if you go to this page there should be a number of products displaying

i read your message and just to check i wasnt making the same mistake i checked the menu you link and the category speakers was selected and then went back to my products and checked each of my products to make sure it has a category associated with it and they all do, so im confused as to why my products are not displaying.

Its driving me mad. :-)


mmm, do you wanna PM me your backend log in details, let me see if I can spot anything missing?


Just had another thought..
I remember seeing a checkbox earlier when I was messing around.. It said something to the effect of not displaying products that had no price..
I remember I unchecked it.. Im trying to find where it is located for you now.


emailed you the logon details.


Gosh Im really struggling here too.
Your menu items seem to be correct.
Your products are linked to your categories.
The only thing I can see, as I mentioned to you in the email is that you're getting the message about the safe path.
If that doesn't work, then honestly, I am just as stumped as what you are.

If one of my developer friends comes online, I can ask them to take a look at it.
I'm just as new to this version of VM as you are.. Kinda like the blind leading the blind lol :)

If I figure it out, I'll let you know :)



I have enabled the safe path as suggested and that has improved slightly.

But my issue still exists and after many attempts at fixing it i believe as creative designs does that it is a database issue, the only problem is however that i dont know what excatly the issue is or have to solve it.

I have enabled the debug so you can see some of the issues,

Website is very tepremental and i am getting alot of 505 errors so any help/suggestions would be gratfully recieve. thats the website address, i can also provide logon details for those that want to take a look at the back end which is also a bit of a hit and miss on some products.

Many Thanks


Just thought i would let everyone know i have managed to solve my own issue. Complete school boy error. i now feel very silly.

I forgot to re-size the images before uploading them so they were huge and clearly when displaying them in a category format it through the website out, now having reloaded all the images in a much smaller format website is all working fine.

Many thanks to creative designs for there help yesterday,

I will now go and hid under a rock in shame.



ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Look at how simple that is! :)
Really glad you managed to get it to work :) Well done for persevering and getting to the bottom of it :)

Sorry Iw asn't able to help yesterday :(