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Virtuemart 2 - Currency is not formatted! (partially SOLVED)

Started by callcare, January 09, 2012, 03:46:44 AM

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Hi guys.
This is both a support question and a fix that I came accross while using Virtumart 2 in a Joomla 1.7 environment with RocketTheme's "Camber" template and MissionControl admin template.

The issue :
When going into Products in the Front End (Shop) or the Back end, I was presented with the following error :

(from back end and front end)
Currency is not formatted! Contact the administrator, if your are one go to http://l(my website)/vm20/administrator/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=currency&task=edit&cid[]= 191

And from Front End an additional error was telling me that it could not locate the currency with the ID "191"

Upon clicking the link presented to me, I was taken to a page to create a new currency.
I created this new currency several times, but it never showed up in the currencies, nor did it fix my problem.
I searched support forums, however the fixes presented did not work.

The Cause
The problem was not the currency itself.
The problem was that, after installing Virtuemart 2, I went through and deleted all currencies but my own (Australian Dollars) before I set the default currency.
This caused some sort of error within Virtuemart and stopped me from doing anything with currencies.

The Solution
To solve this issue, I was considering simply deleting and re-installing Virtuemart (The shop is new, and unpopulated)
However, being the pedantic Aussie that I am, I decided to explore the option of fixing it myself.
(I am running "CPANEL" in my hosted server)
I logged into the SQL Database (phpMyAdmin) and navigated to the database table "(tableprefix)_virtuemart_currencies"
There was only a single entry there (Because I had deleted all of my other currencies)
and I changed the ID of the last remaining currency to "191" (which is what the shop was looking for)

This fixed the initial error, but presented me with a second errror.. saying that it could now not find currency ID 9. (The original ID of the AUD)
So I went back to phpMyAdmin and simply copied the currency into another record and changed its ID to 9.
This means that I now have 2 entries in Virtuemart.
(If I delete either entry, the pages give me an error)

This is obviously not the best fix for this error, as it has left me with erroneous data in Virtuemart...
Hopefully this helps someone though...

Do you have any suggestions for me on this guys?

David Kan