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Main Menu

List of categories

Started by saternus, September 17, 2013, 18:28:28 PM

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Hi  :), I'm having trouble in Virtuemart 2.0.1h with the VM category menu. Namely, parent categories look like ugly, blue regular text, but the child categories look normal. In the module, when I set the Display to ALL, they all look normal, but there is no difference to the levels. When it functions like an accordion menu, the parents have look like ugly blue text, and the child looks normal. Any help how I can change it so it all looks nice?

If I'm not clear enough, I'm posting a picture of the menu

Thanks for the help!


Virtuemart 2.0.1h is around 18 months old and was a test/development version. You are strongly advised to update, as there have been many security updates since those early versions, and recently a critical security update was released.
We are now at 2.0.22d with a further update, 2.0.22e in final testing.

Also see

For you issue in the meantime, you should be able to add some css to fix the problem.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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