vmError: Path wrong to store invoices, folder invoices does not exist invoices\

Started by carsten888, March 08, 2012, 14:24:45 PM

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I get this error when saving a change of order status:

QuotevmError: Path wrong to store invoices, folder invoices does not exist invoices\

I searched this forum and the manual, bug can't find where the folder should be. So I added one in the root, but no difference.

Where should this folder be created and how to disable this option?


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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VM 2.0.2

I am trying to set up the virtual download plugin - currently without success. One of the problems I have currently is the above described error. I also found the FAq to this already ( https://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=98633.0 ), but still I cant get this running, the error is still there even that I have set  a directory. Maybe I am not adding the full path correctly as described by Kelvyn with this "it could be something like   /home/user/files/  or when the provider does not allow that /home/user/public_html/wgettyty/"

I also tried it to add the complete path with http://www... but this also doesnt work. How can I add the full path? I know - a stupid question...


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Thank you Kelvyn, that was a great tip - I found the absolute path.

However - it is still not working as intended. I set up a folder "VM" in the root of my site. Within the directory, I created the folder "invoices":

I then created the path /homepages/11/a12345678/htdocs/mysitefoldername/VM/ in "Shop/Templates/Path for Sale"

I am then uploading a PDF-file, which I want to sell, in "Shop/Media Files/New".

The file exists in the folder (proved with Filezilla), but I am recognizing this problem:

/homepages/11/a12345678/htdocs/mysitefoldername/VM//homepages/11/a12345678/htdocs/mysitefoldername/VM/ :: Unwriteable
--> by adding the full path, then the server is considering it twice obviously?

When I then change the status from PENDING to CONFIRMED, an invoice is created and sent out the customer. Fine.
--> here the next problem - there is no download link included for the PDF? The customer is not getting the file...


Hi, I think my issue might not really related to the original thread here, so I opened a new thread for it: http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=99517.0


Quote from: Milbo on March 08, 2012, 16:18:21 PM
sorry not yet, just forgot to add it
Milbo, an option to DISABLE of invoice creation and sending would be most appreciated.
Regarding Polish regulations invoices created by VM 2.0 are far too simple (and Polish special charaters do not show properly) and therefore can't be used. I am sure most of Polish shops use external invoicing systems or customised invoicing addons for VM...