The proper path of migration from Joomla 1.5 and VM 1.1 to Joomla 2.5 and VM2

Started by TWControls, March 08, 2012, 17:19:26 PM

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I'm looking at upgrading one of my sites but I'm trying to make sure I'm clear on a few things.  I've upgraded sites to Joomla 2.5 and I've played with VM2.

My plan is:
1.  Build a test site with all my existing data
2.  Use jupgrade to migrate to Joomla 2.5
3.  Install a fresh VM2.0
4.  Follow the rest of Milbo's instructions at

Is this correct or should I upgrade VM, then Joomla?  Or does it matter?  SQL databases are my weak point so this may just be a lack of understanding what all is happening during the data migration.

Also, since there will be sales on my live site during this test period, once I have finished testing, is it possible to cleanly export the tables from my live site and run them through the migration process, drop my test site tables and import the migrated live site data again before switching the test site to the live site?

Thanks in advanced



Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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