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Change vendor in shopinfo

Started by iWim, March 07, 2012, 11:52:51 AM

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How can I get the information of C2 to display in the shop info?

My setup:
Joomla! 2.5.1 / VirtueMart 2.0.2
php 5.3.10 / MySQL 5.5.20

I have set up 3 Joomla users / VM Customers:
C0 = super user / admin / no vendor, was created by AdminTools
C1 = registered / shopper / no vendor, ID42, unpublished, was super user before AdminTools created a new one with new ID
C2 = super user / admin / VENDOR

AdminTools created C0 BEFORE VirtueMart was installed.

I changed C1 to no vendor and C2 to is a vendor.
When I go to C2 in Orders > Customers I can see the Vendor info tab. C1 has no vendor tab. So that works.
However, when I go to Shop > Shop I see (the customer info of) C1, who is no vendor.

So, how can I get the information of C2 to display in the shop info?

Thank you.


Hi IWim,

What you really want is to be able to set the shop vendor.

* open Virtuemart>>tools>>control Panel>>shoppers>>pick your vendor>>click is a vendor>>or clcik not a vendor ( if you like)
Click on that person and they the vendor should have three tabs to type into.

Set this up as your vendor- and save.

Go to your shop and see tyhe vendor - again if this is not right then type in additional information.

Now you also have to check - in components >>contact >>manage contacts if you are going to set up ( contact info elsewhere in joomla or your shop) /

* Now if Joomla or virtuemart are doing something silly to your users - then keep the users you want eg _ C2 and get rid of all other users-

Be careful - now make sure you add in joomla a new super user - new passwords - make sure YOU  can get back in as superuser.


Thanks for the reply, but this doesn't seem to work.

I can change any shopper to vendor. I can see the vendor tab on the shopper edit page.

But... the new vendor does not show in Shop. The old vendor is.
And in the title I see "Shopper [edit] old vendor shopper name" with two tabs: Additional information and General User Information

When I set the old vendor back as vendor the title in Shop says "Shop [edit] shop name" and I have three tabs again.

Creating a new shopper and change that to vendor sometimes works. But not always.
Deleting the old vendor(shopper) also works. Not sure if that's the true intention of the system, kinda drastic.

I don't get it...
All I want is set (A) a shopper (any shopper) as vendor and (B) have that shopper display in 'Shop'.
I can do A, I can't do B. Or only through drastic measures...



You need to change some code for it, Matteo got it almost perfect working within 2-3 days. Atm he is not available
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


Hi, migrating a shop (from Joomla! 1.5.26 / Vm1.1.19) to Vm 2.0.6 / Joomla! 2..5.4, I had the same issue that iWim described:
Shop shows only two tabs (Additional information, General User Information), i.e. no Vendor tab.
Also similar to what Lorrein describes here Installation, Migration & Upgrade VM 2 / Re: No Shop Currency defined! , or dartarvo in Installation, Migration & Upgrade VM 2 / Re: Cannot save changes to Config or Shop
Note that the shop I migrated has 2000 shoppers that I cannot delete.

1. Tried several times with both Vm 2.0.6 and 2.0.7e; same results.
To be exact, it worked once, while still on Joomla! 1.5.26 with Vm 2.0.7e. But reverted to the same issue after migration to Joomla! 2.5.4: No Vendor tab.

2. In the Commands & Clients, I set desired shopper (super-admin) as Vendor.
Returning to the "Shop": No Vendor tab. (tried several times)

3. Tried the same but in "MultiVendor" mode, as described by Milbo Re: Can't edit the store? How to become a vendor:
Right after returning to SingleVendor, there wasn't Vendor tab in the "Shop" (while in "MultiVendor" mode, the selected shopper showed up and there was my Vendor tab in the "Shop"). (tried several times)

4. Then I tried something simple: Went in the Commands & Clients, CLICKED on the desired shopper (super-admin) name.
That oppened the "Shop" straight, with the Vendor tab (without the user/vendor data, which is not a big deal).
Entering the user/vendor data, Currency then save did the trick in this location: Shop is working smoothly after several log off / log in with a couple more super-amdin users :-D

For the record, i found a funny behaviour during my MultiVendor tests:
Each time I went to "Commands & Client" and selected my user as the Vendor, another user showed up in "Shop" > Information  ;D
- Right after the migration it was user ID #63 (lowest ID; the desired user/vendor is #64)
- after I deleted user #63 (a former site admin), user #69  :o showed up (second ID after my user)
- tried to select user #64 again in MultiVendor mode, and then user #71 showed up (third ID after my user)

My 2 cents.
- A thread solved is a thread [SOLVED]! (a memo for myself)


I had similar issues - I'd set one user (not the original SuperUser) as Vendor but when I tried to click on Shop that Vendor info wouldn't come up. In the end I fixed it in phpMyAdmin - in the table virtuemart_vmusers, there are 2 columns to look at. The Vendor should have a "1" in both virtuemart_vendor_id AND user_is_vendor, which they did. However, another user also had a "1" under "virtuemart_vendor_id. When I changed both these columns to "0" for all non-Vendors, and both to "1" for the Vendor, it all worked.


I had this problem as well. I was the only user that had ever 'shopped' so I think I ended up there by default. Nothing I did worked to unseat my user account as the Vendor.

I logged myself out and relogged in as the user I wanted to be the Vendor. Then I set the correct user to Vendor and all the rest to Shoppers. Then I checked in the Shop and it looked like it took finally. I then went into phpMyAdmin to make sure as per NickyV's advice. I didn't have to change it as it was all correct. There's something not working smoothly in this process but I hope my method helps someone until its fixed.


I get this on VM 2.0.18a as well.

Fix from NickyV worked well, thanks!


Why is this bug still not fixed. This is s serious core flaw in the system. Come on Virtuemart team get on the ball


webmosa why are you bothering to add to this old thread with abuse - it never was a bug. Why are you not using the set vendor switch?  Under tools & migration.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


I was having trouble changing the shop owner to another user. I found it in the Tools -> Tools & Migration -> Migration and then enter the user id number in the "Write here the new store owner id" field.

There has to be a better way to do this and I hope that VM3 fixes this. I understand that this is something that is not needed to be done often, but when it does there is nearly no way to figure out how to do it without searching the forums. I think that on the shop page there should be a way to select owner from the shopper list.


Really? TWO YEARS. Why do we still have to put up with this, this, words fail me.
I'm here to tell you: THIS STILL DOES NOT WORK!!!
No matter what we do we still get this error in Shop page.

"JUser: :_load: Unable to load user with ID: 883"

Problem is Joomla sees no one with that user ID (but it is in virtuemart_vmusers table.)
How many here can use phpmyadmin? Hands up! Because every one and their cousin surely can.
FIX THIS NOW! If you don't you will alienate every one and their cousins.

If you don't want to fix the Vendor system for some obscure reason at least create a truncate virtuemart_vmusers table button in the Migration and Tools page, please.



Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum

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@Samtzu - just ask for your money back......
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Yes.  This dumb vendor crap has cost me hours and hours.  I'd never pay a dime for virtuemart when it comes with bugs like this.  What the hell is vendor for anyway???? How many f'ing vendors does one store need.  Not more than 1!!!  Stupid.  Idiotic.  Dumb.