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Adding a discount over a certain spend value

Started by bunglehaze, March 07, 2012, 00:44:11 AM

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Hi folks, I cannot see an obvious way to achieve this so am hopeful it is possible. I want to add a 10% discount to all orders over a set amount and am looking for guidance on how to perhaps set this up - any ideas appreciated.





I also need this.. but I did find AwoCoupon but its to expensive.. Give it a try.



Free version can do this but it requires entering a coupon code (coupon module not a discount module)
Seyi A
Promotion enhancement for Virtuemart:
   - AwoCoupon FREE -
   - AwoCoupon Pro -
   - AwoRewards -
   - AwoAffiliate -


seyi,/ bunglehaze

I tried the discount coupon ( easy - free) later buy as seyi suggests - ( easy to use easy to install lots of options)  - you could still use this as a discount on all products over a certain amount as you simply state -
on the front page or better still in the shipping area that if you purchase items over a certain amount this coupon will work.

and then place the coupon code on your site - .  It will not work unless they purchase say $200.00 worth of goods -

You know you could have several codes - on your site set to encourage people to try and buy more.

* say set the coupon names like 200 , 300, 400, etc spend more get a discount type in this code when you reach a new goal.


To be honest, the coupon thing is not going to work in this instance as it will no doubt lead to customers forgetting and then complaining they 'missed out' In my opinion it should be a standard part of the pricing calculation and discount section to be able to set floor and ceiling limits to discounts