[SOLVED]shipment method amount with rounded decimals instead of exact amount

Started by Renata, February 21, 2012, 22:09:30 PM

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Dear all

first info:

VM 2.0.1.k
Joomla 2.5.1

Enclosed please find a printscreen of my first webshop which i am building. All is looking good with great thanks to the developers of VM!

As you can see on the attachment i have made some shipment methods. In the backend i filled in amounts with decimals: 2,50 and 9,50. But at the front end the decimals rounded (00 instead of 50). All the other prices are good.

Could you please advise what i am doing wrong?

I hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards

[attachment cleanup by admin]
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Just wondering Renata,

Could you go to the configuration>>currencies>>and your currency and check that the decimal symbol is a "dot" and not a comma.

then go to

shop>>and set your currency and accepted currencies.

It looks as though the , should be . instead  and see what happens.


Dear John2400

Thank you so much! The "dot" was the solution. I also cleaned the cache of the backend and the frontend and I have my own "amounts" again.

But perheps this is something for the developers: you can configure what kind of separator you wish in "currency". Why a choice overthere if other than "dot" is not working?

Thanks again,

kind regards

Please visit my website https://responsivewebsitemaken.nl for all your graphic webdesign and Joomla websites.