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Manufacturer category Menu

Started by Hujub, February 11, 2012, 14:39:31 PM

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Hello,  Im using Virtuemart 2.0.1 and Joomla 2.5.1 on a local system

I am designing a site fore a bike/skate store, well attempting...

I need to have a menu item type for the Skate and Bike page as VirtueMart Manufacturer Layout, But this show's ALL the Manufacturers

Is there a way to have a Manufacturer Category Layout?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,



The VM Manufacturer Module it's not working fine. There are priorities in vm2 and this module hasnt been reviewed like we need..
we must wait... =/
VM V. online: J2.5.14 | VM 2.0.20a | SQL 5.1.70 | PHP 5.3.25