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Double encode Problem

Started by edv, January 18, 2012, 17:33:29 PM

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Hi there,

My System:
VM 2.0.0
Joomla: 1.7.3
Template: Beez2 - Default
IIS6.0, PHP5.2, M$ TMG

the link/form of the "add to cart" button calls the cart with double encoded chars. Is there a workaround
or patch to avoid this because my Web-Server denies the url. Ive searched the entire Joomla files and all I found was one double urlencode in \includes\router.php (line 330). Even changing this did not help. Seems to be for sreaches only anyway.

Any more suggestions about this?

Kind regards and free speech for the internet

EDIT: OK solved this with new settings in my Firewall. I disabled "normalization". This could open up a security issue, but for first testing it seems OK.