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Delete Orders

Started by RFreund, January 05, 2012, 04:10:25 AM

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I cannot delete orders.
This error is reported:

" Order could not be deleted.
VirtueMartModelOrders::remove 1 "

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!


Anyone else having this issue? I'm trying to figure out if this is something I changed or if it is an error in VM? (J1.7 VM2.0 Stable)

It appears that this was discussed here:

But I'm not sure what the solution is or maybe it was not solved?



I'm having the same problem. Any new suggestions?


j1.7.3 VM 2.0.2

I wonder if you can do it manually from the site- I have the same issue.
I read the posts above and the link)

- I see we just have to wait.

I notice for me that the orders are originally sorted in reverse - your normal orders willbe at the bottom of the invoice list or use the sort from new to old. ( it does not affect the running of the shop at present. (just hope they can resolve this before ( june 30th 2012 - end of financial year)

* I upgraded and solved my issue - 12/2/2012