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VM2: Stock and order status

Started by edek, January 04, 2012, 10:54:11 AM

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I have problem. When I change the order status to "CONFIRMED", the product is not removed from the stock and another user may still order this same product. Product are removed from stock only when i set status to "SHIPPED". How to fix it?

best regards


Perhaps this will help you.

Find the real stock and virtual stock part... (J 1.5 & VM 1.1.5) (J 1.5.23 & V2.0.0)


Thanks Vennko, but I could not find solution in this thread.
I don't have option to turn on/off manage stock.



What ment was this part.

QuoteYou have real stock and virtual stock(ordered but not shipped).
The real stock is only decreased when you have shipped your product but stock level is calculated real stock - ordered product

If I get it right when someone makes an order real stock will not change but booked, ordered products field will increase.
Stock quantity that you have left is "in stock" - "booked, not ordered".

Once you change order status to "shipped" booked, ordered products and in stock fields will both decrease.

Ex. If you have product stock quantity 5 and one pcs of item will be ordered and order has status "confirmed". Your in stock field will stay on 5 but booked, ordered products will increaseto one (1).  After changeing order status to "shipped", booked, ordered products field will change back to 0 and in stock will decrease to 4.

This is attleast how I have understand it...

[attachment cleanup by admin] (J 1.5 & VM 1.1.5) (J 1.5.23 & V2.0.0)


All what you wrote is true, but problem is that if i have one piece in stock and one booked / ordered product, anothe customer can still buy this product. I made a live test. Placed one piece of product to the stock with price 0.5 euro. After this i logged as customer, bought this piece and pay for it via paypal. Next logged as another customer and bought and pay again. I do this 7 times! And i have still one piece in stock and 7 pieces booked / ordered.
This is wrong. In my shop all products are handpainted images. So product will be allways available only as one piece.



I did just try it on my own shop that I am building and if I set stock quantity 1 and go to front-end and buy that product:

- I can add it only once to my cart, on other time it says maximum order amount is reatched (or something like that)
- After I bought that item and order status is pending, text in the front-end change to "remind me about this produc"(or something simular, I have done my own language pack...)

So in my case stock control works just as you would like it to work.

mayby someone smarter than me can help you with your problem.

EDIT: changed order status (J 1.5 & VM 1.1.5) (J 1.5.23 & V2.0.0)


Edek: Please check back-end : Configuration -> configuration -> shopfront -> action when product is out of stock

What do you have here? I have "Displays 'Notify Me' instead of 'Add To Cart' button" (J 1.5 & VM 1.1.5) (J 1.5.23 & V2.0.0)


Thanks Vennko, your last post solved my problem :)


* updated::  once I went back to Configuration of the shop and reupdated the Vendors information (saved everything) - several thing shappened - Orders were registered, emails went out to customers and stock numbers were registeded in the back end and chnge accordingly.