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Slovenian translation VM 2.0.0.stable

Started by ShowLiFE, December 16, 2011, 13:40:52 PM

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after the release VM 2.0.0. RC3 I have prepared a translation of Slovenian found in the appendix.
For all the mistakes that I apologize and please contact us we have to correct it.
Have fun at work with VirtueMart.
Best regards ShowLiFE

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after the release of VirtueMart 2.0.0. stable I updated the  Slovenian translation.
For all the mistakes in the translation please contact me to correct it.
Best regards ShowLiFE

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Hvala za prevod, moram samo še pogruntat kako se zadevo inštalira. :D
Kar tako naprej.


translation itself is still needed some correction which I did over the holidays and I pinned it here.
For any information you can contact me I will be happy to help.
How to VM 2.0.0. looks like you can see
Best regards Show LiFE


I also take advantage of the holidays for that I updated the Slovenian Language Pack for VM 2.0.0. (stable)
which attach the suffix. I hope that the package is useful for any errors I apologize and ask all users to communicate to me the deficiencies of the package to fix it.
Good luck in the new year and a lot of fun to work with VirtueMart, and thank you guys for a job well done.
Best regards ShowLiFE

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Hello ShowLIFE,

thank you for contributing and maintaining the sl-SI language files.
However, I would suggest a few small improvements:

If you translate VM2, you only need to translate those en-GB files which are currently in the main trunk:

Language files you see at other places are frequently copies from the main trunk or obsolete files. (Your translation has 21 files in the backend, while there are only 15 in the original en-GB folder)
For example: sl-SI.plg_vmshipper_weight_countries.ini is an obsolete file which has been replaced by es-es.plg_vmshipment_weight_countries.ini.

You don't need to translate en-GB.plg_vmpayment_authorize.ini. doesn't offer it's service in Europe. So as a slovenian user you can't open an account and therefore is useless for slovenian users of VM2. is primarily for the Americans.

You can easily remove the white space (tabs) with the free Notepad++ editor from by highlighting all keys/strings in a language file and then  click 'TextFX' - 'TextFX Edit' - 'Kill unquoted whitespace'.

Instead of
MOD_VIRTUEMART_CART                               ="VirtueMart Košarica"
please use
MOD_VIRTUEMART_CART="VirtueMart Košarica"


Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Hello JJK,
I used the translation from the language file en-GB (site + admin), which are loaded when you install VirtueMart (2.0.0. stable), because some people still tested earlier versions of the VM but I let the older
files (en-SI.com_virtuemart.sef, en-SI.plg_vmshipper_weight_countries) but unfortunately when I translated the en-SI.plg_vmpayment_authorize I found that it is not for our market.
As for links to the only official language files but unfortunately I need to register but I did not discover where I can be registered, which would be happy to do that would help in the project.
When I began to translate the current version of the VM 1.9.8 RC2 C and since then there have been many changes, a lot would help us if the language file for any changes written
; added to the VM 2.0xx to know what's new or what has changed (as part of its component Phoca).
When editing files using Notepad + +.
Why is empty space?
When we translate Joomla 1.6, we found that the "" very important (if one is missing or too complete translation of one does not work and the original file is ordered en-GB).
In the JCE was discovered to have a space for transparency, so easier to notice if you forgot what "or you have it too
(most of us labor under the system of copy / paste, empty space itself does not affect the translation.
Believe it is much easier to turn because you see what you translate what is not.
I am happy to follow your project and kolko in my power to help.
Best regard ShowLiFE


Hello everybody, I'm not shure what exactly should I do with this index.php file.Need help ,please.Thx.


Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Thanks for your help.I was using firefox 8.0.1.  Later I downloaded file with Internet explorer 8 and the rest I did in joomla backend/extension manager.Works for me.


I made the last corrections of the Slovenian translation of which enclose the VM 2.0.0. for Joomla! 1.7
Best regards Show LiFE

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I'll try to upload your translation into the trunk within the next few days. At present there is an unsolved problem with the SVN setup, which doesn't allow me to commit files.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?



Testing the current VM 2.0.1d and Joomla 2.5.1  so I prepared an updated Slovenian translation.
The translation of the missing translations are included, these are quite a few.
All of which will be installed to give me a translation please notify errors or missing translations to fix the outcome of stable versions.
Translation of stable 2.0.0 can be downloaded
Best regards Chico

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Your translation has been added to the trunk.
Thanks for your work!
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?