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Products showing in all categories for Virtuemart 2 for Joomla 2.5

Started by sanifu, May 24, 2012, 16:28:18 PM

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Hi I am developing a shop and the problem/issue is that when I scroll/click on the different categories it is sometimes showing up all the products under every category. I have linked them to different categories etc in the backend. Have cleared my cache on the computer which works once then it goes back again on next click. Then also on the navigation page up top of products 1, 2, 3 next, if i click on them buttons it takes me to next category not next page.

I have noticed that these a files are getting saved under my templates/rt_clarion/css folder. css-f5e16a7c998d3bc7c3d42a9e7fb1fb0d.php and also in the gantry folder. I keep on deleting them but next time I click on website again they pop back in.

Can someone please help as I have looked and looked everywhere and people have been mentioning it but no one seems to know.