"vmError: Attention file tmpl has no extension in view virtuemart and directory"

Started by drizzt99, October 23, 2011, 07:45:19 AM

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I get this error on the administrator back end:
QuotevmError: Attention file tmpl has no extension in view virtuemart and directory
What does that mean?
Also, I cannot see the products themselves...
I've setup several categories and subcategories - they all look fine.
The problem is I cannot see the products once I enter the products... can this be related to the error above?
I use: joomla 1.7.2
VM: 2.0.0-RC-2j
Thanks :)


This error means, that you have in your tempatle overrides the tmpl directory, but this is wrong, the overrides do not have a view.html and tmp folder.
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Thanks a lot.
This problem was solved after I deleted the overrides.
Can't figure what went wrong as I copied the directories from the com_virtuemart folder...
But no matter - right now I cannot see the products in the products page.
Can I PM you the login details?


No, for what? you wanna give me a job? There is no bug, you just did not understand completly the template overrides file structure.

The structure is without view.html.php and the tmpl folder. In the component you have  com_virtuemart/views/myView/tmpl/ and in the tmpl folder are your layouts.

But in the overrides you must have com_virtuemart/views/myView and in myView must be your layouts
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team: http://extensions.virtuemart.net/


Sorry. I don't want to give you a job. I'm just dumbfounded as to what needs to be done and how come I can see the categories but not the products...
As I said - I completely deleted the overrides, so there are NO overrides... it is supposed to take the template from the component's directory, am I right?


Here's the thing:
I used this URI -
So it was like:
It returned a 404 error...
Can that be connected?


Ok, look, this is my problem:
I have this category structure here -
Click on the middle category on the second row.
I published a product to this category.
Even though, I see a blank content area where the products' list is supposed to be.
I tried with and without override. Nothing works...


ah, you use hebrew. Please in your case always consider that there could be a sef problem. The support for different characters then latin is not perfect yet.

But a typical problem, when you dont see any product is that you have disabled in the config products without stocks and your products dont have any stocking entered, so they are not shown.
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team: http://extensions.virtuemart.net/


Yea! It worked!
Now for the SEF I can wait... at least the shop is working now :)
I'll have to learn VM method of override.


Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team: http://extensions.virtuemart.net/


Hello guys!

You are speak about J1.7 or 1.5? I have the same problem with template overriding in j1.5. When I copy my template to html/com_virtuemart/views/ I'm not see changes. If i copy my template to html/com_virtuemart/ in VM frontend i see

vmError: Attention file tmpl has no extension in view virtuemart and directory

and too with out changes.