Discounts : Quantity breaks / free shipping / discount when you spend over...

Started by finbarr69, September 05, 2011, 10:28:39 AM

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I'm using 1.9.8F and J1.7

There appear to be only two discount options.  Percentage and Total.  I'm wondering if anyone with a sales/marketing background has had any input into the subject of discounts as these two options are very unlikely to be the most preferred options.

What would be desirable would be a discount when you spend over a certain amount (eg free shipping or a percentage off). This would be a usual one.

Discounts for purchasing larger quantities (quantity breaks) would also be very common (eg a price for 1-5, a lower price for 6-10, lower still for 11-100 etc)

Also, buy 6 for the price of 5 etc.

As it is, we can sort of implement quantity breaks by offering larger quantities as a separate product eg:

Widgets (Single price) : £4.00
Widgets (6-pack) : £20.00

But if the purchaser buys 6 of the single pack, he would probably expect the system to automatically give him the 6-pack for £20.  As it stands, the user has to pay attention and buy the correct item.

Are these very common and desirable discount facilities going to be available at some point, or am I going to have to code them myself?

Warmest Regards,



We are going to add hooks for this purposes. Quantity based discounts is partly implemented ( you see already the gui for it).
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Thanks.  I had only looked in the documentation, but looking in Virtuemart itself I see there is a Tax & Calculations screen which I guess is what you mean.

It could use some tooltips until the documentation is ready.

Can you advise me what these mean, and what to type in them:

Amount Condition
Dimension unit

I'm guessing Amount condition is like  > or >= or < or <=) and Dimension Unit is like +1 or -1 (to add or subtract one unit of currency) but I could be wrong.

Oh, one other thing.  I have one product at the moment, priced at £5.50, no tax, no discounts.  When I add one to the cart then go to the checkout, it shows the price as 0.00 with 5.50 underneath.  Any idea why (seems related to discounts because of the strikeout)?

Many thanks



ah yes, interesting point, it should not be shown, when the value is empty.

Yes it is meant that way, quantity and kind of quantity, but it is not implemented yet. But it will folllow soon.
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If this option is fully implemented, will it then take over the quantity discounts that were entered in a previous version of virtuemart?
Or will the new way to do quantity discounts be very different from the old ones, where one could do this on a "per article" basis?

Personally, I saw on a local joomla 1.7 / vm 1.98 installation that articles were migrated with different prices, but there were much more articles, due to the orifinal article had these quantity-discounts.

