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Started by Trevor, January 20, 2005, 06:29:41 AM

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I notice that when you purchase through PHPshop you become a member of the site. Is it possible for those who purchase through PHPshop not tp become members of the Mambo site, but just members of say PHPshop.

I have a site that sells Weather Stations that are locally manufactured (by ourselves), these are professional units that are sold by sales people, each one is virtually designed for the client ..... not a purchase through a cart type item.

We would like to have a line of imported weather stations that are not as professional and can be purchased via a cart over the Internet.

Here is the problem .... Those who purchase the professional systems (our own made ones) we would like to keep separate from those  who purchase from the Phpshop. I do not want the ecommerce customers accessing anything in the members area (registered users), does not matter if they have their own area (menu etc). Is it possible?



Mambo's Access System is VERY limited. There are only 3 Frontend can try to assign your \"professional\" members to \"Author\", \"Editor\" or something that way..

ciao, Soeren
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