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No confirmation emails

Started by teknoboy, March 02, 2010, 19:00:51 PM

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Hi all

The virtuemart Site I´m building fails to send a confirmation email so I dont know if a payment has been made. It does send a pending email to both customer and Admin and a confirmation email to the customer.

I am using Joomla 1.5.15 and Virtuemart 1.1.4.
The site is:

I have setup the email addresses correctly in the Global Configurations control panel including SMTP Authentication=Yes with the correct user/password. I checked this by enabling a Joomla contact form and posting and email+copy, both arrived.

The email address in the Contact Information section of the store information part of Virtuemart is also correct.

I have checked that the admin user for virtuemart has the correct email address and that it is set to "Receive System Emails".I have also linked this user through components>contacts

If I set the paypal option to go through the sandbox, I also get a notice that a payment has been made, bu I never get a confirmation email showing what the customer ordered/paid for.

I have looked trought the forums and tried lot of things, but still found no soultion. No confirmation email is ever sent to the admin.

It is important to mention that this Joomla install was originally installed at but I moved it to by copying the files, exporting the database/importing it and then editing Joomlas configuration.php file, it appears that everything works well.

What have I missed? its driving me nuts! What can I change? what can I try? please, any help greatly appreciated.


Just for kicks, instead of SMTP, have you tried setting global email config to PHP mailer? Try it.


Thanks Forrest!!  :)

Actually even though I configured SMTP settings it was only to be sure. Joomla was actually set to PHP Mailer. I only set the SMTP settings just to be 100% sure that the PHP mailer wasn't affected if one was wrong (sorry could have made that clearer)

So just for kicks, I changed to both sendmail and SMTP but I always get the same result. A pending arrives at both customer and admin, the paypal confirmation arrives, but no confirmation email - There is supposed to be one right? you shouldn't have to constantly check the back end should you?

I´m thinking that maybe moving the site from one domain to another might have affected it (I had no choice). I'm wondering if its worth re-installing Virtuemart. I only have 47 items (we don't have any more products) but unless its relatively easy to do it with all the images I´d rather not. Do you happen to know if reinstalling the component over the top of an existing installation is a good/bad idea? Or any other thoughts.

Im sooo stumped.  ???


Actually, now that I understand your question better: NO, there is no email that is sent once payment status changes. Emails are sent upon order creation, however, if you are looking to use PayPal, then the only thing that happens when PayPal approves the payment is that the website is updated from a P to C status. No email. I would look into PayPal's options to see if they can send you an email with payment success status.


Thanks alot Forrest!

Now that I know it's done that way I can deal with it. I see in the backend when the order status is changed, so it's enough for me to get the information that an order is pending. Then I can ook for its status and fill an oder once it has been confirmed. I was thinking I might just do that anyway.

"I would look into PayPal's options to see if they can send you an email with payment success status." - Yes I will, might be usefull.

Thanks for all your help!!
<EDIT- Would love to change this thread to solved, but where do I do it? lol>


to change thread to solved, click "Modify" on your first post in this thread. You can select int he drop-down: Solved :)


Sorry confused here.  I received an email from Paypal whenever the order has been completed.  In total, as the admin, I receive three emails.
1) A full copy of the VM order with status set to Pending.
2) An email from my website saying that the order status has been changed to completed.  This occurs once Paypal "notifies" VM of a successful payment.
3) An email from Paypal to the admin email address given to paypal with a "copy" of the buyers receipt. 

Because I receive these three, I do not need to go the backend to check on orders.


Hey Guys,

I have my shop online and working, with a payment gateway setup etc etc.

My client has asked that he does NOT want to get a confirmation order mail intially, and would only like to receive the confirmed mail once the order has been 'confirmed'.

The typical scenario is that the client will receive a 'pre-order' mail, then a mail from the payment gateway(invoice) and then the final confirmation mail. How can I disable the initial mail so that they only receive the last 2 mails.

Any help here will be appreciated!




HI Guys, I am also using vm1.1.4 & joomla 1.5.15 and I am on the issue that no confirmation email is sent to admin or customer when order is placed. But admin can receive other joomla email via contact form and from virutemart new registration and customer can receive the email when order status is changed manually via order list. So email function is ok I think, but I never get the order confirmation email as a admin or customer.

I have read all the forum about this issue and tried all.....different email for joomla admin and VM, checked email is ok in store admin contact info, tried all type of email sending option PHP mail, send mail, SMTP, check the vendor things. But no luck.

Anyone please help me, if there is any other tips to solve the problem. waiting for response. Thanks in advance.