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Purchase Order email with wrong "from"

Started by rossi256, October 19, 2009, 08:45:06 AM

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I had this issue already with some earlier version, i think i posted a bug in dev-bugtracker... somebody must have told me how to fix it as it was ok until i updated to 1.1.4 yesterday.

So the problem is that in the Purchase Order Email, the FROM email is wrong...
There should be one email going to the customer - FROM the shop-address... that's OK.
But at the same time there should be an Email going to the shop-address which comes FROM the customer... here i have FROM shop address right now..

anybody knows where to change that - i think i remember it was just one tag in some file...



I can confirm the same issue...that happens after updating to 1.1.4.

Hoping for a solution soon.

Have a nice day.
It doesn`t exist I can`t, only I won`t...


Now dev-central worked again.. found it...
i posted that bug in 2008 already...seems it was lost...

ps_checkout.php line 4395:
should look like the following, then it works again...

$vendor_mail = vmMail( $shopper_email, $mosConfig_fromname, $vendor_email, $vendor_subject, $vendor_mail_Body, $vendor_mail_AltBody, true, null, null, $EmbeddedImages, null, $shopper_email);

not sure how i can reopen that bug in dev-central -hope somebody reads this thread...!?



Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Many thanks Kelvyn,

didn't know that...
as the last post in the other thread suggests - it would be great to make it an option in the configuration...
I am processing orders from the emails that are coming in - it is just more comfortable to see the customer-name in the from...
