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Started by papacho, July 28, 2009, 17:20:13 PM

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I'd find and correct a little bug on virtuemart

The problem is on sending mail of order if you had disabled the tax included.
The value of subtotal is wrong because on line 1941 of administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/ps_checkout.php
use "product_final_price" instead "product_item_price" for computing $sub_total.

in the same output total_tax doesnt compute shipping_tax, I solved that changing
comment lines 1975 and 1976.
adding before 1977
 $order_tax += $order_shipping_tax;

excuse me if I'd post in ad wrong place.

Agostino Zanutto


Do you have a VM version number? This does not match my code at all.