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How to debug the autoresponse in SIPS payment module ?

Started by zimba7k, March 21, 2009, 03:56:16 AM

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Hello everyone  :)

I've installed the (very good) payment module SIPS in virtuemart 1.1.2. in Joomla 1.5.8

Everything seems to work fine, but at the end of the process, the invoice isn't changed in the proper status "confirmed". :-[

So I'm wondering how I can make sure that the autoresponse is really enabled.
How can I test it to make sure ? ???

Thanks a lot for your help



Which payment module do you use?
If you are using the one I wrote, I can help you.

1) check that the path you wrote in the CGI path field is an absolute path (not a relative one)
2) check that if you call this URL:
no error message are displayed.