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Problem when using https

Started by VirtueMarkROCKS!, March 16, 2009, 16:26:44 PM

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I would like to report a bug.  When using "force SSL on entire site" feature, the shopping cart only works intermittently.  Most of the time the item gets added to your cart, but when you click checkout it is gone.  I am NOT using the cookie check, because it seems to ALWAYS tell you that cookies are blocked, even thought I accept all cookies in my Firefox.

When you switch store back to "admin only SSL" the cart works normally in IE and FF even with cookie check off.

I apologize if this is not the place to report a bug

Thanks for the great product



Same problem here with latest 1.1.3 SSL.
(J1.5) Cookies message and item is not added to cart. Any solution available for this?