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BUG: Adding product in backend

Started by freshsqueezemedia, February 08, 2009, 03:19:04 AM

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Give a description of the bug in your own words.

VirtueMart Version:1.1.3

Joomla/Mambo Version:1.5.9

Steps to replicate:
Take a completed order where the purchaser is not required to pay tax.  Add a product to their order from the backend after their order is confirmed.  The newly added product will have a tax tacked onto it, even though there should be no tax. 

Proposed fix(es):
Not that experienced.

Bugtracker task #:
posting here first, no number.

System info:
Enter your system info (OSX 10.5.6, shared hosting - godaddy, mysql 4.0).


When you add product to order, you can change the price:
Copy price from "Product Price (Net)" to "Product Price (Gross)".(klick Update icon).
Of course, it is nice if there were its own tax column?
VirtueMart,(Joomla-phpShop, mambo-phpShop) since 2004-03-11


This is a possible solution, but if you update the gross price, it lowers the net price and still has a tax listed which would cause the customer to wonder what is going on.  It's a good short-term fix, but not something that is good for long term if someone thinks they're being charged a tax when they shouldn't be.  The odd thing is, I only have tax listed for Michigan at 6%, and the tax amount it is putting out is somewhere around 11 or 12.  It's very odd.


I find one major bug in ps_order_change.php, donĀ“t know if this helps your problem.
When add product and update price in order backend, $auth['country'] and $auth["user_id"] is administrators user_id, should be order shopper user_id.
VirtueMart,(Joomla-phpShop, mambo-phpShop) since 2004-03-11