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Main Menu issues

Started by DjNoRhythm, November 26, 2008, 00:38:50 AM

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Greetings all,

I have my site working except at the end where the CC gets run through the system. Here is the error I get:

Error: 3-2-13-P---The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive.
Error: Failure in Processing the Payment (ps_authorize)

I am sure that I have a current password for I will check with them again though.

Anyone have a fix for this???


I got this error also ..but here is what I had done.

Went to the payment method AN (credit Card) opened it to edit.

Put in my valid Authorizenet user id. Clicked on change transaction key. Entered my admin the place to put in my transaction key. Did that...put in my admin password again. Saved all.

Tried a transaction in test mode. Got the same error as you. Went BACK to the same as above. The Authnet USER ID was back to the default. Entered my correct one (the trans key was good so did not mess with that) and saved.

Now had the correct Authnet User Id and Transkey ..and all went through fine.

It seems when you first time set up...insert your Trans key ..that user ID reverts to the default and I had not checked that closely first time. Just check to be sure all is correct and SAVE at that point.

Hope this helps. ;D
There's no place like !


I got this error too.  I don't think it is something about setting payment method to be "AN" or anything.  I think it seems like only a identification only. 

I have ID & psd and setup transaction key and API ID all right.

I also check if shopping group correctly set up.

After trying all those solutions, I try to upload and install different payment module, but where says "xml file missing"   

Now, I really have no clue how to make it right. If someone could help,that would be superbly appreciated.


Actually, I got it solved it by changing the shopping group and change some code posted by "keliix06" at  Good luck!  Hope this problem won't bother anyone anymore.


I ended up changing line 459 in administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/payments/ps_authorize.php

from $host = "";

to $host = "";

Everything worked fine in test mode after that. 

This is the original solution on's knowledgebase which assisted me:

Error 13: "The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive."

Response Reason Code: 13

Response Reason Text: The merchant Login ID is invalid or the account is inactive.

This error indicates you are either posting the incorrect API Login ID within your script, connecting to a server that does not recognize your account, or using an account which is inactive. Please follow these steps to ensure that your software is connecting correctly:

    • If you are posting your transaction requests to the gateway URLs or and you are using an account given to you by an Authorize.Net Reseller or from Authorize.Net Sales, you may encounter this error. The gateway URLs mentioned above only work with specific test accounts, available upon request by completing the form at

    Try posting your transaction request to instead. If you need to submit a test transaction, you may do so by setting the field x_test_request to "TRUE". You may then remove x_test_request or set it to "FALSE" when you have completed your testing.

    Note: If you are integrating your website with Advanced Integration Method (AIM) using PHP, please be aware that the gateway URL is listed twice--once in the cURL configuration, and once again in the main body of the code. Using the test gateway URL in the cURL section of the code will create an Error 13 as cURL would connect to the incorrect server.


Im getting this error:

The merchant password is invalid or not present.

Where do you put in your AN password at?

My options are:

Test mode: Login ID: Transaction Key
Request/Capture Credit Card Code Value (CVV2/CVC2/CID
Recurring Billings?
Authentication Type



I am having problem with the transactions in to settle pending transactions automatically without manually logging into the merchant account

Can someone please help me with this issue
