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Paypal currency error

Started by xoles, November 07, 2008, 22:05:31 PM

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Hi,i have joomla 1.5.6+VirtueMart 1.1.2+joomfish V2.0 (BETA) translation for vm on a site
I manage 2 currencies : USD and Mexican pesos (MXN) ,modified the currency change to take the change values from a local xml making MXN the base currency and prices change to USD at a value i defined.

All works fine,you can change the currency on the site at any language (Spanish/English),and the prices are correctly changed,at the checkout moment all the prices are correct and at the desired currency,but if you choose paypal as payment method at the time you are transferred to paypal the price changes from for example: $100 (meaning 100 Mexican pesos) to $100 USD,and that's awfully incorrect!, so paypal its not changing the values but the currency instead.

Some one know how can i fix this?,in paypal?, i already configured MXP currency for payments

I have no currency problems with the cash on delivery module
The website is:


problem solved,it was just select the default store currency