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2checkout wants passport scan!

Started by Ruppert, September 29, 2008, 18:45:22 PM

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I went through the hassle of settings up 2Checkout with VM because it seems like the VM plugin for Paypal Pro is a bit shifty. Now that I've set it up (even contributed code to get VM/2CO running!) and paid my $49 setup fee, I get a 'Risk Form' from 2checkout which has to be filled in.

2CO wants the following:

  • Passport scan
  • Driver's license scan
  • Company owners, history etc..
  • Mandatory return policy
  • Mandatory privacy policy

See for yourself:

Quote, Inc. Vendor Risk Management Documentation

Company Information

Vendor Name:

Company Legal Name:   ___________________________________________________________________________
Taxpayer ID# or NTN for Pakistan vendors:      2Checkout StoreID #   
D/B/A Name(s):         
City:      State/ZIP:   
Telephone (Contact)      Telephone (Customer Svc):   
Fax Number:      Web URL:   
Contact Email Address:      Alternate Email Address:   
Legal Entity Type:    C Corp       LLC       Partnership      S Corp      Sole Proprietorship
Business Incorporated:     Public       Private    Non-Profit     
Year Started:         
Date of Incorporation:      State Incorporated:   
Dun & Bradstreet #:         
Has the company ever filed bankruptcy?     Yes        No
Please list all principals and their percentage of ownership (attach separate form if additional space is required):
Name      Percentage      SS#, Government ID # or Passport Number
Name      Percentage      SS#, Government ID # or
Passport Number

Principal Street
Principal City

Principal State/ZIP

Principal Second ID
(Driver's License# and State         
Have any of the principal officers ever filed bankruptcy?        Yes        No
If "Yes," individual(s) involved and year filed:      
If you were previously contracted with an alternate service to 2Co please identify the company.

Have you previously or do you currently possess a merchant account?    If so with who?

Please provide a detailed description of any/all goods or services being rendered through the account:

I, ______________________________________, do attest that the information provided is correct.

__________________________________________             _______________________________
      Signature                  Date

Apparently, this only applies for International Customers. Paypal doesn't do this. Why does 2CO? Is this standard practice? Seems overkill to me.



VM 1.1.3
Joomla 1.5.9


Yap, same thing happen to me. You also must have live site to show them.


Ya, and you have to have a refund policy. They won't accept a no refund setup. Seems pretty restrictive. Wonder if Paypal is heavyhanded...

VM 1.1.3
Joomla 1.5.9


This is very common for any internet merchant account.