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Error: cURL ERROR: 28: SSL connection timeout<br>unable to process services_rat

Started by powerasker, July 15, 2008, 15:51:50 PM

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This thread is old ... you can read it but "Error: cURL ERROR: 28: SSL connection timeout<br>unable to process services_rat" has to do with the link above

I'm configuring Virtuemart with the FedEx module.

When checking out I receive the following error;
"Error: cURL ERROR: 28: SSL connection timeout<br>unable to process services_rate".
I have check the php curl support and its enabled.

I'm using joomla 1.5.4 stable and Virtuemart 1.1.1

FedEx module 1.02

The hosting provider offers
Apache Linux
PHP Version 5.2.5
mysql 4.0.27-standard

I have dubblechecked with FedEx about the
Account number
Meter number
and the server plus port
These parameters are accurate.

My products weight unit of measure are "kg" without the "
and for 150 gram heavy product entered weight 0.15

Plz advice me a good philosophy to find and eliminate my problem.

BR Powerasker



I'm not using SSL on my hostingserver right now and they do not use proxy.

/BR Powerasker


I'm with you on this one... same error...

Using VM 1.1.1 Joomla 1.50
Godaddy is my host, entered all proxy info into VMart...

Can't figure this thing out!


Sorry for not answering for a while. I have had problems with my server provider(s)DNS. Now the DNS are ok and it has been more 48 hours after change.

My server providers does not use proxy but they could offer this service if I buy thier SSL certificate upgrade package. They will hand me all information to be able to configure the proxy parameters in Virtuemart.
For the moment I have not bought any SSL certificate from my provider. I would like to get everything working before buying and switching on SSL.

- What are the requirements to run the FEDEX module?
- Do I need a SSL certificate from my serverprovider to make the Fedex module work? I figure and hope not.
I still get the "Error: cURL ERROR: 28: SSL connection timeout<br>unable to process services_rate" error" when I checkout need to pick a shipper.
If you want I could PM you so that your could look at my parameters?

Plz guide me to a manual or some other help.


I'm in the same boat with braceyourselfusa

Godaddy host
VM 1.1
Joomla 1.0.15

I've entered the proxy info and USPS is working but I cannot get FedEx or UPS to work.



Im having the same problem

Error: cURL ERROR: 3: <url> malformed<br>unable to process subscribe
Error: Error updating the Meter Number.


Quote from: tintin on August 13, 2008, 11:20:35 AM
Im having the same problem

Error: cURL ERROR: 3: <url> malformed<br>unable to process subscribe
Error: Error updating the Meter Number.

im also using the virtumart1.1 but Im using virtumart 1.0 vertion in another site it works properly, this error comes with the virtumart1.1


VM 1.1.2 Stable
Joomla! Version:  Joomla! 1.5.4 Stable
PHP Version:  5.2.5 
Web Server:  Apache


I have even created a testaccount at FedEx and uses their testserver .. keep getting the same error.

Could it be real simple ... Virtuemart 1.1 does not work with the current FedEx module?

Could QM or QA verify their regressionstest with this module passed!!??

BR Powerasker


Test account number ,Test meter number

go to Administrator> component > com_virtumart > classess > Shipping>

there u can find the fedex.cfg.php page and update with thease details

define ('FEDEX_ACCOUNT_NUMBER', '');
define ('FEDEX_METER_NUMBER', '');
define ('FEDEX_URI', '');

apply the test account number and meter number to ('FEDEX_ACCOUNT_NUMBER', '') and 'FEDEX_METER_NUMBER', '') placess inside '', then this error wont get anymore


Quote from: tintin on August 20, 2008, 07:52:28 AM
Test account number ,Test meter number
go to Administrator> component > com_virtumart > classess > Shipping>
there u can find the fedex.cfg.php page and update with thease details
define ('FEDEX_ACCOUNT_NUMBER', '');
define ('FEDEX_METER_NUMBER', '');
define ('FEDEX_URI', '');
apply the test account number and meter number to ('FEDEX_ACCOUNT_NUMBER', '') and 'FEDEX_METER_NUMBER', '') placess inside '', then this error wont get anymore

Sorry tintin

My Virtuemart GUI updates the fedex.cfg.php with accurate data .. its allready there.

BR Powerasker


Is there anyone that has a running FedEx module with Virtuemart 1.1.2 ??
