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Paypal Pro & Virtuemart. Help please

Started by chaten, July 10, 2008, 13:03:57 PM

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Hello and thanks for looking. I'm a little new to e-commerce sites and would appreciate help on the following.

I setup a virtuemart/joomla install a couple of months ago for a client and told them they may need a merchant account. 
Only now (3months later) after the site has been completed the client has decided to open a merchant account and is looking at Payments Pro from paypal. 
Paypal say that Payments Pro its not compatible with virtuemart ( I am in the UK).  With this in mind the client wants to redo the whole shopping system to something else like Zencart which is a big pain in the bum. (They don't realise it and probably want it done for free)

Is there any other merchant account/provider that can handle virtuemart.
Preferably something simple to setup.
Are there any other options, ideas or tips are welcomed.



Can you not convince them to just open a Paypal Merchant Account? The cart works excellently with Paypal, and is nicely integrated.



using Paypal was nota  problem but it requires a custom module to integrate Virtuemart and paypal merchant account together.  We managed to find one but have yet to install it.

kbm480 installed Paypal Payments Pro on my site. It didn't cost too much either.


I have a normal PayPal business account in the UK: does VM work with this 'out of the box'? PayPal didn't seem to be mentioned in the manual on the 'selecting card processor' screen...

Update: oh ok, I see it does. Sorry!