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[BUGfixed] - The administration panel gets blocked if switch to extended view

Started by korb, May 29, 2008, 00:09:36 AM

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Installed VM 1.1.0 Revision 1407, and started to configure some options, for testing, so tips don't work,
-BUT when I try to access extended view, everything blocks in VirtueMart administration and I cannot switch back to normal view.

-The navigation butons, top meniu in Joomla Administration disapears.

-the only way to get out of VM administration is to delete from adress field of mozilla the virtuemart administration link (like

-I tried to reinstall VM 1.1.0 Stable back, but the bug persists.

-Frontend still works.

-Now I'm rolling back to VM 1.1.0 stable 23.04.2008

THIS PROBLEM IS FIXXED IN VM 1.1 revision 1422
Joomla 1.5.3 VM 1.1.0 rev 1407 Joomla 1.5.3 Mozilla


I made the same 'mistake' of clicking on extended view.  I can't find any way to change it back.

Have you figured out how to get the 'simple view' back?



not yet, maybe soeren should take a look, but I realy think he knows about it, as he tries to make VM administration work on Safari and Opera browsers, wich is a known issue.


Damn Iv gone and done the same thing as you guys! Anyone know how to get out of this yet!



On my system this (intermediate) problem disappeared again after updating to revision 1408 yesterday.

Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?



Here is a strange one....when I log in on another computer the Virtuemart Admin area is set back to normal? However when I go back to the computer I clicked the Extended View on its still frozen. So is this a local PC issue? And how the hell do I fix it? I had virtueMart installed for me because basically Im an idiot! and really want to avoid installing it again.

Any Ideas anyone



You can get the latest build either here (a few lines upward in this forum section): ;D

or from - Developer Portal - Downloads

Concerning your system hanging - if VirtueMart or Joomla is hanging somewhere on my local system, most of the time my Firefox browser (partially) crashed - sometimes without notifying me.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Hi Guys,

I had the same problem. The reason that it is computer/browser specific is because it is stored in a cookie.

To change back to simple view:
*Delete all your cookies
*If you don't want to lose all your cookies, find a cookie (or 2) called vmLayout and delete that.



hi mindmedia

thats what I was thinking that it must be a local issue like a cookie. Trouble is I dont want to delete all my cookies so does anyone know where the hell you find them individually on Vista? cause i can't find em for looking!



ok so Iv found my cookies now - but can not see any cookie relating to vmLayout; nice try though - any other ideas?


Im really desperate now - can anyone help with this issue please?