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Joomla 1.5.2 - vm 1.1-> forbidden Error

Started by Zerotre, April 24, 2008, 12:19:47 PM

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Hi to all the forum.
I'm going crazy with this problem... ;D

I've installed joomla and virtuemart updated to the last version.
I'm using them to create a website with only the cataloug, no basket or prices.
Viewing it in local is ok, when i've uploaded it to my housting, i've started to randomly receive this error:

You don't have permission to access /bosco/index.php on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/1.3.37 Server at Port 80

I specify that, the joomla site was uploaded to a subdirectory in this way:
flash website:
joomla website:

This happens when i click to a product and hit the browser button refresh for some times, first some of the related product image doesn't load, then i get the forbidden error, if i continue to hit the refresh the page load correctly again, sometimes it won't load the template images...
I've disabled seo and sef
From server-side, i've setted the file permission to 777 for quite all the directory and files, only one strange thing, when i create some file or install some component from the joomla backend, the file owner and group is setted to "apache", indeed the other files UID and GID are owned by the User that logs and administrate the hosting space.
I've tried to reset this, and now all the files are owned by the user, (no more apache owning).
I've noticed that the error occurs when i upload more than three images like media product related, with only three photo it seems there are no problems.
I've tried to upload the same website to, and there are no problems, also with more than three images.

Some link about it:

try to refresh sometimes this page

on altervista:

If you need to know software settings about my hosting, plese ask me.

Thanks to all.


Pretty sure it's the friendly URL setting in the Joomla configuration.
QuoteVirtueMart doesn't work with Joomla native SEF instead use sh404SEF or smartSEF (other SEF solutions might work, I have only tested these two)


I've disabled the SEO from global configuration, and the System SEF plugin, but i get the same error.
Shall i make other changes?


These are some feature of the hosting:



I'm experiencing the same kind of problems. But not only with the additional images, but also in the product.browse.

But some testers don't see the problem, images not loading etc. etc.


it happened to me and i found that the error was Use Apache: mod_rewrite, it has to be no ;)