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payment method selection

Started by patrik60, April 04, 2008, 15:24:56 PM

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I'm testing VM 1.1.0RC3 on two different servers.

1) Joomla 1.0.15, VM 1.1.0 rev 1350 -> I'm using two payment methods (Invoice and Payment in Advance). No method is selected.

2) Joomla 1.5.2, VM 1.1.0 rev 1350 -> I'm using three payment methods ( Invoice, Payment in Advance, Paypal) Paypal is always selected per default.

In both systems the order of the payment methods in the backend is as described above. How can I get it, that on both systems "Invoice" is checked per default?


This seems not to be the same problem: The order in the frontend is the same as in the backend. But there is either no method checked (see example1) or the wrong (see example2)


Now I get what you are saying regardless of sort order in backend by default PayPal is selected as default Payment method in frontend.