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validate policy problem ?

Started by kirbislechat, March 28, 2008, 22:16:59 PM

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Hi, maybe i've found a bug with the night build from today (28 march), the text "do you accept policy..."  on bottom page, after giving  user informations, can't be seen.. nothing, only the " * ".
If I stop javascript the text is here, but with javascript active, even with css style or no css style,... no text.

Can you look at this, I'm not sure 100% that it's not a problem from my side, but.



Maybe the variable for it is empty in your language file?

ciao, Sören
The future of eCommerce: VirtueMart & Joomla!


Thank's Söeren for your answer,

The translation seem to be here, If I don't use Javascript, the text is here, and with Javascript it diseapear.
I continue to search.


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Maybe you must use special characters in common language file to line:

'PHPSHOP_I_AGREE_TO_TOS' => 'J\'accepte les conditions d\'utilisation',

edit both
& #39;
I made space after & , because it wont show right. type it in you file without space.
VirtueMart,(Joomla-phpShop, mambo-phpShop) since 2004-03-11


Great ! Thank you Mauri, It work now.  ;D


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I find other french VM sites by google and they have same bug.
This should fix in french language, can you add this to bug tracker.
VirtueMart,(Joomla-phpShop, mambo-phpShop) since 2004-03-11


Hi Mauri,

It's done, the French translation team will change this.

Thank's again



The problem is that when rebuilding the tokens with Virtuemart Language Manager, the #39 is replaced with quote.


Quote from: alatak on April 08, 2008, 13:57:03 PM
The problem is that when rebuilding the tokens with Virtuemart Language Manager, the #39 is replaced with quote.
Thats right alatak
I send messaga to The pisu, if he can change Language Manager code.
VirtueMart,(Joomla-phpShop, mambo-phpShop) since 2004-03-11



I guess that it is not that easy. This problem only appears during registration process and at that place.


Hi All.
I get message from Pisu
QuoteHi, in fact in this case, it seems to be a bug in ps_userfield.php, the ' should be slashed. So, no need to change the Language Manager, that should be as simple as possibile (no need to insert html entities...)

Can you open a task in the bugtracker?

Today I've done the university exam that kept me very busy, so I'll fix it in this weekend!
message by Pisu
VirtueMart,(Joomla-phpShop, mambo-phpShop) since 2004-03-11


Now Pisu have made smart fix in ps_userfield.php.
Fixed in rev 1371
You can use 'PHPSHOP_I_AGREE_TO_TOS' => 'J\'accepte les conditions d\'utilisation', in language file.
VirtueMart,(Joomla-phpShop, mambo-phpShop) since 2004-03-11

Bonjour (sorry for english speakers, I'm french, not my fault ...)

sur mon site j'ai le soucis que vous décrivez :

virtuemart 1.1.2 / Joomla 1.5.8 / quand une commande est passée (chose rare pour le moment) le client doit accepter les conditions générales de vente mais ... elles ne s'affichent pas ... j'ai BEAUCOUP parcouru les blog etc etc, vérifier le fichier ps_userfield.php, verifier le theme.css, etc etc ... tout à l'air en ordre mais RIEN ne change ... j'ai même changée la traduction pour eviter les caractéres "trop français" ... et quand je regarde le code source envoyé, j'ai bien le texte inséré ...

Je ne comprend pas ... donc si je veux éviter le Lexomil, ou mieux, les services vétérinaires, je me décide à me tourner vers vous ...


Comment faire pour que le texte des conditions générales de ventes s'affichent ? Rien dans le bug tracker de pertinant pour mon cas, rien n'a l'air de clocher ... J'ai beau être sur la Prom, j'ai du mal à rester Zen face à ce soucis ...

Merci Beaucoup d'avance de votre aide