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Death and Taxes

Started by, January 16, 2008, 05:05:16 AM

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Does anyone have multiple taxes working with VM 1.1? I'm trying without success to get my cart to charge 8.25% tax for California residents. But some of my products are food and untaxed. I've tried almost everything, but I can't get this to work. Right now I have:

Enable Multiple Tax rates checked.
Tax Mode: Based on Shipping Address
Virtual Tax UNchecked (I've tried both ways)
Two tax rates for California, one 0.00% and another 8.25%
Assigned the non-taxable products to 0%
Changed PHPSHOP_ADMIN_CFG_PRICES_INCLUDE_TAX to NO in the default shopper group.

Right now, if someone buys from out of state they are correctly not charged any tax. But if someone is from CA, tax is charged on everything, including the products I set the VAT to 0%.

I've combed the forums found some people who got it working in VM 1.013a. I've followed their suggestions but they aren't working for me. If anyone has it working, any advice would be appreciated. If it's a bug, I didn't find it in the tracker. Thanks.

Hey, thanks. That did the trick and completely saves my hide!! Some of the core files have changed since the mod was last posted, so I had to do some searching and make a few edits to get it to work, such as changing to the new language file syntax. Much of the code is also now in different places but it wasn't hard to find. If anyone needs to do it, don't just copy the files...go through the changes in the text file.

I would think that if multiple taxes were working we wouldn't need this, but my vote also goes for including this in the core. I notice quite a few posts about this same issue and I'm sure many people need this. The same goes for thomas_freeman's fix for the UPS module. Right now even with VM 1.1, on the fly UPS will poop out at 75 lbs. without the fix: This at least gets us to 150...


Please append your changes to the original tax post for other users if you don't mind.

Speaking of UPS, are you able to use UPS shipping module in VM 1.1 I get error

Thomas Freeman is a member of VM dev team he should be able to apply the UPS fix to the core.

Ok, I posted my fix on the original topic. Hopefully it helps a few people, although things are changing in the code so much that it pretty much needs to be revised every day. I think Virtuemart has so much, all it needs is to fix a few quirky get rid of a bunch of hard coded <br/> tags and inline css whle I'm at it...but minor gripes aside it's looking to be a great shopping cart. Thanks to everyone.

As far as UPS goes, it's working fine for me, but I did have issues with it first. The biggest issue I think is just figuring out which UPS code to use and going through the steps on their website. My lord, they have a username, pasword, developer's Key, and an XML Access Key. What VM calls the UPS access code is where you fill in your XML Access Key. The developer key isn't used. Also Curl must be enabled in php.ini.

Checkout a working version on my just finished VM 1.1/Joomla 1.5 site: or it will be http:// in a couple days.


Quote from: on January 17, 2008, 08:39:17 AM
As far as UPS goes, it's working fine for me, but I did have issues with it first. The biggest issue I think is just figuring out which UPS code to use and going through the steps on their website. My lord, they have a username, pasword, developer's Key, and an XML Access Key. What VM calls the UPS access code is where you fill in your XML Access Key. The developer key isn't used. Also Curl must be enabled in php.ini.

Do you have it working in VM 1.1? I have it working in VM 1.0.13 but not in VM 1.1 (same account info) not to hijack this tread please reply here