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flypage-ask.tpl.php - _BACK button

Started by Replika, November 24, 2007, 04:09:00 AM

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A mistake?
<div class="back_button"><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'> <?php echo _BACK ?></a></div>

It should be:
<div class="back_button"><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'> <?php echo $VM_LANG->_('BACK'?></a></div>

2007-12-04: edit for compatible with new language function


account.billing.tpl.php - missing </div> tag ???
Link: index.php?page=account.billing&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=113

In this file, we end with </form>, no </div> tag before

but in function listUserFields (file: ps_userfield.php)
start with <form> and <div> tag follows

Check with Firebug with my site, the rightcolumn is in maincolumn.

Does this is a bug? I've this problem with my site but not sure the way to solve it (in HTML or PHP function or other file). Anyone helps?

checked with checkout_register_form.php, i think we can put </div> before some <input> ("hidden") tag