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problems with search function

Started by patrik60, November 02, 2007, 02:27:10 AM

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I'm testing with VM 1.1.0b1 from the SVN (rev 1029) and Joomla 1.0.13. I have three identic installations on three different servers. The search function on the server with php 5.2.3 and 5.2.4 works fine. On the third server (php 5.2.2) the search function doesn't work. Is it really a problem of the php version? Could anybody confirm this?

Thank you



When you say doesn't work, it doesn't search, gives error, or shows duplicate?

If it is php issue it is difficult to confirm as I don't have all those php versions installed.


It gives errors: when I'm on the start site of the shop, it always shows just the articels of the first category, it doesn't matter what search term I write.
If I am already in a category and use the search function, it doesn't search.


I've found the "problem": as long as I'm logged in as a superadministrator the search function doesn't work. That means no problems because the php version. It works fine for all guests and logged in members.

I'm having a similar problem as Patrik. I don't get any error messages, but I think he's right about the search not displaying right. What happens for me is once I've been to any browse page and do a product search (using either the VM module or VM search module), the following happens:

* Whatever category you were on last still displays, title, description and all (if the description is long your results are hidden way down below).
* Search terms are NOT displayed
* The results are listed correctly, only below the category description.
* The category description doesn't necessarily relate to the search query, it's simply the one that you were on last.
* If there is only one result, you are correctly taken to the fly page without problems.

Interestingly, if I clear my cache, the problem goes away...until I visit another browse page. If I never visited a browse page and search from any other page in the site, I'm fine...until I visit any browse page.

This is easy to repeat with the default installation. Just click on a category and search for "shovel" or something that won't take you straight to a fly page.

I'm using: Fresh/default installs of Joomla 1.5 latest nightly and VM 1.1 #1155, PHP 5.25, Apache