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eway payment processor fixed

Started by ibroom, October 17, 2007, 00:45:19 AM

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I was having major problems with the eway payment processor not submitting the correct data to eway, having blanks, and generally doing a bad job of managing payments.  Below is an updated eway payment gateway using the correct table names, the correct XML output, and some basic error checking.  Ideally it needs substr commands wrapped around the variables to meet the maximum field lengths eway specify, but I haven't implemented this yet.

I suggest this version is included with the new release of Virtuemart

Regards, Ian.

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Does this eway updated code link eway payments to virtuemart orders? for example, the eway order contain the virtuemart order number? as currently its very hart to link the eway purchase to the virtuemart order? Thanks in advance.


It doesn't alter the eway order number because of the way Virtuemart works (if your keen to learn, please read the checkout code and it should make sense).  I have modified the order details screen so the order number used by eway is available, and the search on order order details screen searches the eway order number.  I have attached my code.  The changes I made are commented by my name, 'ian broom'.

Just replace the order.order_list.php file in your /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/html folder with this one

Please let me know if you have any problems with it or find it useful.

Regards, Ian.

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Hi Ian.

I tried your new eway version, however it did not fix the problem.  Below is the email received from eway when a purchase is made.  Costs me a dollar to test this, hope it don't take long to fix!  lol

Obviously the XXXXXXXXXX's are used to change private info....

The following was charged to your credit card:
Purchase / Payment: AUD$1.00
Amount charged is in Australian Dollars

EWAY Transaction No  : XXXXXXXX
Bank Authorisation Code: XXXXXXX

Merchant Details

Customer Details
Name               : 
Email              :
Address            :
Postcode           :
Invoice Description: Mercedes Sheepskin Products Order
Invoice Ref#       : 15f1ffdf2dacd9ed6707764f550d14d0
Your payment has been securely processed by the EWAY payment gateway.



Hi Luke,

Are you sure you are using my code and you are using the right version of Virtuemart?

This looks like it is the original code.  You may need to debug the eway code (put it in testing mode and they won't charge you) and then print the session, cookie and post arrays.  You should quickly see if my code is doing something wrong.

Regards, Ian.


Hi Ian,

Thanks for the reply.  I did double check that I overwrote the original with yours.

I'm using Joomla! 1.0.12 Stable and VirtueMart 1.0.13a stable

Can you give me some more detail on how to capture the info your after.  I'm somewhat of a novice.



Hi Luke,

In the eway files you replace, simple add the following at appropriate points and make sure the site is not public and you are using test mode:


I think that is all you need.  This will print arrays and you will need to ensure the eway file is passing the correct entries in the array to the eway system.  If you need more detail please review the code and try and figure out what it is doing, as the specific problem could be in many locations with joomla, virtuemart, and the eway code.

Regards, Ian.


hi guys,

im just checking to see that the eway payment method is compatible with php5

i saw somewhere that it may not be
