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Payment Module Moneris

Started by yyzcity, September 08, 2006, 07:18:16 AM

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I have the same problem.  I am the webmaster for my church and we do not need taxes so I think it messing things up because I put the taxes to 0.000 . I downloaded and installed the recoded moneris files but the same issue still exists. 

I need some kind of script that would set $amount to 2 decimal places or detect if it is less then 2 decimal places and change to 2 decimal places because it seems that the variable is rounding off some how.

Since $order_total is the sumation of the sub total and taxes perhaps I can make $amount = $sub_total  ???

Could anyone help with this issue?

Thanks in advance and God Bless.

Quote from: floatingworld on April 25, 2007, 16:47:01 PM
I am having a problem with the module still. On payment, it doesn't seem to be sending moneris any cents value (no .00) only rounded numbers.

I sent  the moneris payment processor files to a support person at Moneris..

They replied as follows...
Hi Aaron,

I was able to take a quick look at the files.  In ps_moneris.php, line 241 has the following piece of code:

            $amount = $order_total;

You would need to make sure that $amount has 2 decimal places before sending us the transaction request.


Hello all,

The Moneris Payment Module seems to be working correctly for me.

However, I can't get the Order values (i.e.: Billing, Shipping, Item) from the mpgCustInfo class to transfer in Moneris.

Any idea how to get these values transfered from VirtueMart to Moneris?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



just curious if anyone has tested this package with the new vm 1.1??


Quote from: dbetcher on April 24, 2008, 22:04:21 PM
just curious if anyone has tested this package with the new vm 1.1??
heh, i was about to say the same.
is it working with VM 1.1 ?


I just tested the Moneris module version posted here with VM 1.1, and it did not work.
I got this error when i tried to save: Direct Access to this location is not allowed.

Also, it did not show the fields


okay it needs just 3 changes
change the first line in moneris.php nd moneris.cfg.php to:
if( !defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) && !defined( '_JEXEC' ) ) die( 'Direct Access to '.basename(__FILE__).' is not allowed.' );

instead of the old one.

another change is...look for the function show_configuration()
and change the payment method code to this: (under $db =& new ps_DB;

$payment_method_id = vmGet( $_REQUEST, 'payment_method_id', null );

I did not test it on the frontend yet, but it seems to be fine from the backend.


oh and add the wording "Test Mode" before
the phrase "Test mode" is just missing from the backend. nothing critical thou


I have Joomla 1.0.15 with VM 1.0.15 installed on a Rochen server. I have installed the revised Moneris mod files from floatingworld (thanks!) and configured the module, but on clicking checkout, I get this error: has sent and incorrect or unexpected message. Error Code -12263

Does anyone know what's up? I'd be willing to pay to get this working correctly. Moneris is not much help...


ste by step install for VM 1.1!!!


I don't understand where is english.php.
When i go here: /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/languages/
I have a files, but not english.php

Please, can you help me ?
Joomla 1.5.7 + Virtuemart 1.1.2


I had same problem. What i did: dwonload languagemanager from virtuemart webpage and use this to edit english.php file. Works for me :)

Etienne Cimon

If anyone needs any mods on this or a conversion to VM 1.1 I've figured it all out, making myself available for it.


I would like to install it for 1.1.2

Is it production-ready?


i used floatingworld's given link to download the module for Moneris.
In checkout process everything goes fine until i click 'Confirm Order' button.
as i hit Confirm Order , page displays 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.'
can anybody help me....? ???


I installed this for 1.1 and it seems to work fine. The only issue I ran into was the installation directory has changed since 1.0 and because of this none of the language references were linked properly. This caused the backend to not display properly and made the thing not work.

To fix it I hardcoded all the language bits in English and it works just fine (plus the changes from chac416 above)


I tried the install using chac416's hints but am still getting the "Direct Access to this location is not allowed." using VM 1.1.3 and Joomla 1.5.9.

I have all three files from the zip folder in the classes/payment folder, and it recognizes both the ps.moneris.helper and the ps.moneris options in the dropdown but when I try to save the choice I get the error.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
