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Payment Module Moneris

Started by yyzcity, September 08, 2006, 07:18:16 AM

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Hello everybody.
Yes. This module is working. It is working on production server and everything is fine.
I tested it on different servers, no problems found.
Probably , there are some  problems with settings on your side?
If you really sure that everything is working fine on your server, your virtuemart is up and running, you passed all required steps when installed  Moneris Payment module,   and your account with Moneris active and set to accept payments online<-- did you call Moneris?), but the only problem is this module - contact me in ICQ messager : 192608327 . I will help.
By the way , there is very nice tech support at Moneris for online payment integration. They will help you to test your module. Here is the phone : Integrating my store for e-commerce payment functionality.    1 866 562 4354  or  eselectplus  (at)   8am - 8pm EST Mon - Fri


I'll tried along w/ Sunshine & we have not been able to get them to work so we have hired a freelancer. Moneirs has changed it's API's which along w/ their manuals & the lack of decent customer support is not for the newbie.

yyzcity maybe could write some step by step instructions as I only see this mod becoming more popluar.

Virtue Mart should look at including mods like this in the package as there seems to be a lot of NA's using VM.


Yes, Neil you are right about : Moneirs has changed it's API's which along w/ their manuals

There were some errors and bugs in their code which they supply for developers to create connection to their api. I  fixed whatever I found and notified them. I am not sure if they updated it or not. Anyway . as I said before module is working, and the code is correct. I can tell you that because it is installed and serve the store with around 500 moneris payment transactions daily.

Re: Installation steps:
1. Unzip and Upload supplied files into administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/payment
2. Change permissions for ps_moneris.cfg.php to 777
3. Add to your Virtuemart language file! ( not to Joomla) the following lines (anywhere in the file):
var $_PHPSHOP_ERROR_CODE = 'Error Code';
   var $_PHPSHOP_DECLINE = 'Your transaction has been declined.';
   var $_PHPSHOP_APPROVED = 'Your transaction has been approved!';
   var $_PHPSHOP_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 'There was error processing your transaction.  Please blah-blah... for help.';
3. Go to your Virtuemart Administration panel, click in the menu : Store --> Add Payment Method
Setup new payment module as it shown on the screen shots ( see first post in this forum thread)
4. Save your settings.
You are DONE.
Make sure you contacted Moneris and activated your account.

That`s it :)

Quote from: pixelsoup on November 22, 2006, 19:28:14 PM
Has anyone been able to integrate Moneris with VM yet? Specifically, with Moneris' Hosted Paypage Manager solution? I can't seem to get it working with the solutions described in this thread. I've tried using the  PS-Store ID and HPP but no luck.

Thanks in advance

I am sorry , bu I don`t really know about their hosted solution as never tried that before. I am sure if they provide hosted solution , so they must have everything set for that. COntact them , it is their problem to resolve this


In moving through getting things to work, one of the other issues is issuing port 443 is open & cURL is installed.



OK I was finally able to get this working. I had two issues, maybe one? that some of you can try to get the module working:

1. mpg configuration - According to page 21 the php api guide :

QuoteOnce you have completed you testing you are ready to point your store to the production host. You will need to edit the mpgClasses.php file and change the $Globals array as highlighted below in red. You will also need to change the store_id to reflect your production store ID as well the api_token must be changed to your production token to reflect the token that you received during activation.

var $Globals=array(
'MONERIS_PROTOCOL' => 'https',
'MONERIS_PORT' =>'443',
'MONERIS_FILE' => '/gateway2/servlet/MpgRequest',
'API_VERSION' =>'MPG Version 2.01',

When I checked the /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/payment/ps_moneris.helper.php file, that came with the zip, which is where that block of code is located my MONERIS_HOST' =>  was blank or ' ' .

2. In the payment method configuration file, I was enabling the e-fraud variables ( Purchase with CVD and AVS (eFraud). According to page 17 of the guide...

QuoteIf you wish to have the eFraud feature added to your profile, once you have completed your testing, please contact the eSELECTplus Integration Support Team at to have it enabled. Please make sure to include your store ID or merchant number in any eFraud activation email requests.

So they are not enabled on the account by default. Once I disabled these two variables (set them to no) and included the above code in step 1, transactions went through flawlessly.

Now, what I do need is someone to come up with an Online Interac API for VM, so if anyone is interested, please let me know.

If anyone has any questions contact me at my website below. Good luck!

Sean Kennedy
Pixel Soup Design Group


2  pixelsoup

You don`t need to change anything in ps_moneris.helper.php . The information you are talking about in step 1 is already there . Just search code in ps_moneris.helper.php .

I am telling again you guys :) . This module is ready to go. It does not need any customization.

this is the part of the code:
$this->Globals['MONERIS_HOST'] = "";

function getGlobals()

}//end class mpgGlobals

###################### mpgHttpsPost #########################################

class mpgHttpsPost{

var $api_token;
var $store_id;
var $mpgRequest;
var $mpgResponse;

function mpgHttpsPost($storeid,$apitoken,$mpgRequestOBJ)

  $this->api_token= $apitoken;


I tried the english file that is offered by yyzcity in post15 but that caused a fatal error:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare vmLanguage::$_PHPSHOP_ORDER_WAREHOUSE in /home/saltspr1/public_html/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/languages/english.php on line 300

Does anyone know what I did wrong?

Also, I reinstalled the old english.php file and uploaded the moneris.php files, then I get this text printing out on the credit card selection area of the check out page:
/** * This ps_moneris class, contains payment processing code * for transactions with * * * @version $Id: ps_moneris.php,v 1.0 2006/09/7 20:02:18 * @package VirtueMart * @subpackage payment * @copyright Copyright (C) 2006 Dmitri Kravtsov All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. * * */

Finally, Burner mentioned something about:

"In moving through getting things to work, one of the other issues is issuing port 443 is open & cURL is installed."

I don't know what is meant by this.

Can someone help me in my confusion?

Thanks in advance!


Re:  "In moving through getting things to work, one of the other issues is issuing port 443 is open & cURL is installed."

I don't know what is meant by this.
This means that you need to have SSL support for your website and cURL  module installed on your server ( Ask your hoster if you don`t know how to check it. Usually it is installed everywhere)


Re: /** * This ps_moneris class, contains payment processing code * for transaction

Just remove the copyright info.


Thanks so much Yyzcity!!

Removing the copyright info has worked. Do I need to worry about the fact I am using the original english/php file?

Thanks in advance,


You just need to add those lines to your language file ( virtuemart) , as it is described in my first post.


I was getting a "469" error on confirming the order, then I reinstalled the module, and I'm getting these errors on Confirmation:

Error: (Error Code: N/A)

Error: Failure in Processing the Payment (ps_moneris)

I feel like I'm close... any help would be greatly appreciated.


I'm getting really close. I have confirmed that Moneris is receiving the payment info correctly. Now I need to fix the error message that is displayed when a card in invalid. Right now, Virtuemart says this when a card is rejected:

Error: (Error Code: 476)Your transaction has been declined.
Error: Failure in Processing the Payment (ps_moneris)

How can I remove the (Error Code: 476) and the (ps_moneris)?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I am having a problem with the module still. On payment, it doesn't seem to be sending moneris any cents value (no .00) only rounded numbers.

I sent  the moneris payment processor files to a support person at Moneris..

They replied as follows...
Hi Aaron,

I was able to take a quick look at the files.  In ps_moneris.php, line 241 has the following piece of code:

            $amount = $order_total;

You would need to make sure that $amount has 2 decimal places before sending us the transaction request.


I've had the Moneris files recoded. Now they are working on my clients site. If you want to download the files that I had recoded, go here:,com_docman/task,cat_view/gid,31/Itemid,129/