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New Payment Module - Chronopay

Started by sampipe, August 08, 2006, 11:48:52 AM

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Hi All,

I would like to make available a payment module created to integrate VirtueMart to the Chronopay Hosted Payments Page service.  Chronopay offer this service through

This payment module has no special requirements to be used.  It comes with a pretty straight forward install guide in the form of a README.

Please let me know if you find it useful, or if you see any improvements that could be made...

good luck!  ;)


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Jerry Innemee

Hey Sam,

Liking the module, everythings working  :D (and here it is )  :-[ EXEPT 1 thing.
Don't now if you are the one to ask. Chronopay don't give me the awnser.

The problem is that the access-url (re-direct) don't work when I adjust it to "MY SITE".

In the read-me file there is this link:
your site url + /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/payment/ps_chronopayideal_notify.php?reply=1

I made a test order and it is verified by iDEAL and chronopay, but virtuemart doesn't notify me about a succesfull or failed transaction, think this is part of my problem too.

Hope you´ve got some anwsers for me.

regards JJ