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Tax location issue.

Started by Marauder, July 05, 2006, 16:53:09 PM

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Hi guys,

I am very confuse when it come to tax, this is my problem and no clue how to handle this..

My location is canada, if someone living in canada buy my merchandise, i need to charge him the Tax, 6% for the GST (Goverment  Sale Tax) and 8% for the PST (Provincial Sale Tax) and if that customer have an exemption number for the PST then i only charge him the GST, but an person living in USA buy my merchandise i do not charge him any tax..

so how Virtuemart handle this situation if he can handle this kind of situation, is any of you are in the same situation. I have a long look at virtuemart and was not able to figure out how it work.

Thanxs for any reply