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Google Checkout

Started by ptogel, June 29, 2006, 19:51:20 PM

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Simon A.

Well, I've deployed it. There might be bugs, and my solution definitely won't work for everyone. In particular, taxes and shipping are under-implemented, but work for me.

Try it out:

I'll have code for you sometime this week.


i cant get to a checkout page heh. but i'll take your word for it. thanks for your help btw, this is going to be of value for TONS of people.

Simon A.

Here's the code. Beware of bugs. The shipping implementation probably won't do what you want, and taxes are completely unimplemented.

Unpack the ZIP file into your base directory.
Patch shop.cart.php with the provided patch file.
Install ps_google as a payment module, but do not set it as "enabled".
Configure the Google payment module with your Google Checkout merchant id and merchant key.

Visit for an implementation.

[attachment cleanup by admin]

Hello guys,
We are also big fans of virtuemart. This is why, even google checkout is not available in our country, we developed a plug-in. Hoping that google will soon expand checkout to other countries.
We created so far a beta version that will work well with PHP5 and used the php class from Greg (

In the next days we will add a customer privacy protection. With this your clients can choose to send google the whole shopping cart or just a generic item name and description with the total amount. Because we believe that not every client wants to be profiled by google who/where/when/what bought.
The download and suggestions for further development will be under Open Projects: (a joomla community in the Philippines).
I hope there are some beta testers around who can help us to further improve it. :)


While I'm not entirely on-board with Google's intentions in regards to their Checkout service, and I think the rest of the world has agreed too that Google Checkout's requirements are a bit of a pain, and thus adoption rate has been slower than expected, I can understand their motives.  Shopping is still not easy for the average user, but it would be a heck of a lot safer and simpler for the customer if the checkout process was managed by something secure and familiar - Google Checkout.  A side benefit is that the results of advertising potentially can be tracked a lot more closely, potentially leading to the holy grail of online advertising - pay-per-sale, which is simply not possible any other way than having Google orchestrate the checkout itself.

So, all that said, I would very much like to have google checkout as an option for my store, and I think a lot of other people would as well, not to mention the benefit associated with having that Google Checkout logo appear beside my website's name when it is shown in search results.  So, I'm very curious...

Has been any significant progress made in the effort by chroma or others in improving the support for Google Checkout in VirtueMart?

Simon A.

Well, it works for me, so I'm not too motivated to improve it any more.


There is another version at, but requires PHP5.1.4 or higher installed.  I have tested it, but I  only have PHP4 installed so when I get to the final checkout area, the screen goes blank.



Google has now announced they are waiving ALL fees until the end of 2007.

Now more than ever, being able to use Google Checkout with Virtuemart would be a huge benefit.


Quote from: chroma on July 11, 2006, 14:50:38 PM
Here's the code. Beware of bugs. The shipping implementation probably won't do what you want, and taxes are completely unimplemented.

Unpack the ZIP file into your base directory.
Patch shop.cart.php with the provided patch file.
Install ps_google as a payment module, but do not set it as "enabled".
Configure the Google payment module with your Google Checkout merchant id and merchant key.

Visit for an implementation.

hey I am not sure how to patch the shop.cart
could you help me with more details where to add the code pls
thanks ...


Does anyone other than Blue Saw have a Virtuemart site as an example of Google Checkout?


Quotehey I am not sure how to patch the shop.cart
could you help me with more details where to add the code pls
thanks ...

I'm in the same boat. It looks like the patch is for several versions of the file. Is that correct? If so, any chance on getting an updated patch? Also, what is the proper procedure to complete this patch?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

John Patrick

Has anyone looked at the goolge checkout mod for zencart?

It should be possible to convert zencart modules to work with virtuemart.

John Patrick,

If guns are responsible for killing people, then my keyboard is responsible for my typos.

Simon A.

Sorry everybody, I haven't checked this thread in a long time.

I've been told that my Google Checkout software will only work on PHP4.

Anyway, if you want to patch shop.cart, just insert the following code into the file somewhere near the bottom:

                ini_set("include_path",          ini_get("include_path").":".$mosConfig_absolute_path."/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/payment/googleCheckout");
                include ("checkoutButton.php");
                echo googleCheckoutButton($cart);

Sean Goodwin

i run google checkout on my site with virtually no problem except that the shipping tax is not passed across. BUt hey that can be fixed by increasing the charge to include tax.
Yes, I think it's fair to say I liked Andy from the start.

Simon A.

Sean Goodwin:
Make sure that you're following Google Checkout's policies. I mention some problems that people have been having here: